Lectures (since 1997)

  ● Conferences, Symposia

  1. Volume and structure of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    JNU-KAIST Geometric Topology Fair (Jeju Nat'l Univ., KOREA) June 13, 14, 2017.
  2. 既約3次元多様体の幾何とトポロジー
    日本数学会秋期総合分科会・幾何学・トポロジー分科会(関西大学)Sep. 16, 2016.
    幾何学賞受賞特別講演 [abstract pdf] [presentation pdf]
  3. Geometric Lorenz flows with historic behavior
    2015年度冬の力学系研究集会(日本大学軽井沢研修所)Jan. 10, 2016.
  4. Existence of generic cubic homoclinic tangencies for Hénon maps
    日本数学会秋期総合分科会・トポロジー分科会(九州大学)Sep. 21, 2012.
  5. Diffeomorphism groups of aspherical 3-manifolds
    Low-dimensional Geometry and Topology(東京工業大学)Sep. 14, 2012.
  6. Insulator condition for Fuchsian orbits
    「リーマン面・不連続群論」研究集会(名古屋大学)Jan. 8, 2012.
  7. The Smale conjecture for Seifert fibered spaces with hyperbolic base orbifold
    ICM Satellite Conference: Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Character Varieties (Nat'l Univ. of Singapore, SINGAPORE) Aug. 11, 2010.
    [presentation pps]
  8. Existence of generic cubic homoclinic tangencies for Hénon maps
    NCTS Dynamics Day-focusing on non-hyperbolic systems (Nat'l Chiao Tung Univ., TAIWAN) Nov. 6, 2009.
    [presentation pps]
  9. 幾何的極限とエンディング・ラミネーション予想
    日本数学会年会・トポロジー分科会(東京大学)Mar. 26, 2009.
    特別講演 [abstract pdf] [presentation pps]
  10. Geometric limits and Ending Lamination Conjecture
    「リーマン面・不連続群論」研究集会(大阪大学)Jan. 12, 2009.
  11. Geometry and topology of geometric limits
    Topics in Teichmüller Theory and Kleinian Groups (MSRI, Berkeley) Nov. 13, 2007.
  12. Ahlfors' measure problem for geometric limit Kleinian groups
    Lars Ahlfors Centennial Celebration (Univ. of Helsinki, FINLAND) Aug. 24, 2007.
  13. Geometric limits of quasi-Fuchsian groups
    Hyperbolic Structures on 3-Manifolds and Large Scale Geometry of Teichmüller Space (Univ. of Warwick, ENGLAND) July 16, 2007.
  14. Cubic dynamics on the Hénon family
    2006年度冬の力学系研究集会(東京大学)Jan. 7, 2007.
  15. Existence of ruled wrappings in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    多様体上の双曲群の作用とその周辺(首都大学東京)June 27, 2006.
  16. 3次元多様体論における最小面積曲面
    日本数学会秋期総合分科会(北海道大学)Sept. 21, 2004.
    企画特別講演 [abstract pdf]
  17. 3次元多様体と双曲幾何
    Surveys in Geometry, Special Edition [落合卓四郎先生還暦記念](東京大学)Oct. 29, 2003.
  18. 擬フックス群の幾何的極限
    双曲空間に関連する研究とその展望(数理解析研究所)Dec. 5, 2002.
  19. Least area planes in hyperbolic 3-space with co-compact metric
    軌道体の幾何学(九州大学)Nov. 22, 2002.
  20. Geometric limits of quasi-Fuchsian groups
    双曲多様体の幾何と数論(東京工業大学)Dec. 20, 2001.
  21. Degree-one maps between hyperbolic 3-manifolds with the same volume limit
    双曲空間とその関連分野U(数理解析研究所)Dec. 3, 1999.
  22. Degree-one maps between hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    The 19th Workshop in Pure Mathematics (POSTECH, KOREA) July 21, 22, 1999.
  23. Bounded cohomology and hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    日本数学会年会・トポロジー分科会(名城大学)Mar. 27, 1998.
    特別講演 [abstract pdf]
  24. Non-zero degree maps to Haken manifolds and their hyperbolic pieces
    21世紀に残すための離散群の幾何(熊本大学) Oct. 21, 1997.
  25. Non-zero degree maps to hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    The GARC Conference on Geometric Structures on Manifolds (Seoul Nat'l Univ., KOREA) Sept. 29, 30, 1997.
  26. Bounded cohomology and hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    The 17th Workshop in Pure Mathematics (Ajou Univ., KOREA) July 7, 8, 10, 11, 1997.
  27. Spatial-graph isotoy and the rearrangement theorem
    The 5th Korea-Japan School of Knots and Links (KAIST, KOREA) Feb. 18, 1997.

  ● Seminars, Colloquia

  1. 双曲3次元多様体の体積と剛性定理
    数理情報科学専攻談話会(首都大学東京)July 6, 2017.
  2. Existence of wandering domains and historic behavior: an answer to Takens’Last Problem
    (Univ. do Porto, PORTUGAL) Feb. 3, 2017.
  3. Takens' Last Problem and existence of non-trivial wandering domains, II
    (Univ. de São Paulo, BRAZIL) Mar. 23, 2016.
  4. Takens' Last Problem and existence of non-trivial wandering domains, II
    京都力学系セミナー(京都大学) July 10, 2015.
  5. エノン写像の力学系とSRB測度
    幾何学セミナー(東京電機大学)June 12, 2008.
  6. Ends of open hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    幾何学セミナー(首都大学東京)Apr. 20, 2007.
  7. 双曲幾何化予想 −トポロジーからの試み −
    数学教室談話会(東北大学)Nov. 21, 2005.
  8. Least area planes in Gromov hyperbolic 3-spaces
    数学教室談話会(大阪大学)June 21, 2004.
  9. 擬フックス群の幾何的極限
    数学教室談話会(東北大学)Nov. 12, 2001.
  10. 有界コホモロジーと3次元多様体
    7階セミナー(早稲田大学)Apr. 20, 2001.
  11. A rigidity theorem for hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    数学教室談話会(東北大学)Oct. 30, 2000.
  12. Non-zero degree maps between 3-manifolds
    トポロジーセミナー(東京女子大学)May 29, 1999.
  13. Degree-one maps and geometric 3-manifolds
    Topology Seminar (George Washington Univ., Washington D.C.) Mar. 26, 1999.
  14. A finiteness theorem for dominated hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    GWU Colloquim (George Washington Univ., Washington D.C.) Mar. 26, 1999.
  15. A finiteness theorem for dominated hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    Topology Seminar (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara) Jan. 19, 1999.
  16. Degree-one maps and geometric 3-manifolds
    Topology Seminar (California Inst. of Tech., Pasadena) Dec. 17, 1998.
  17. Degree-one maps between hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    Karcher Colloquim (Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman) Oct. 22, 1998.
  18. Degree-one maps between hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    Geometric Topology Seminar (Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles) Oct. 1, 1998.
  19. Degree-one maps between hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    Topology Seminar (Univ. of Texas, Austin) Sept. 21, 1998.
  20. Non-zero degree maps to hyperbolic 3-manifolds
    (Peking Univ., P.R. CHINA) Aug. 4, 6, 1997.
  21. On the Gromov norm and bounded cohomology
    (Peking Univ., P.R. CHINA) July 31, 1997.