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  生体機能・神経-筋生理学研究室  准教授:山内潤一郎

山内潤一郎 (ヤマウチ ジュンイチロウ)

人間健康科学研究科 ヘルスプロモーションサイエンス学域





- ヒトの動作における神経-筋収縮機構のメカニズム
- 加齢や不活動に伴う筋機能への影響
- 筋肥大・筋萎縮のメカニズム
- 特殊環境における生体機能適応システム
- スピード-ストレングス, パワートレーニングの理論と実践
- アスリート、宇宙飛行士、登山家、高齢者、子供、障害者など各個人に特異的なトレーニング・コンディショニング方法、装置や装具と理論の体系的システムの開発と構築


V. 「二足動作(ウォーキング・ランニング)を支持・評価する新しい生体工学装置の開発」



○Tupimai T, Peungsuwan P, Prasertnoo J and Yamauchi J. Effect of combining passive muscle stretching and whole body vibration on spasticity and physical performance in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 28: 7-13, 2016.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Chatchawan U, Jupamatangb U, Chanchitc S, Puntumetakul R, Donpunha W and Yamauchi J. Immediate effects of dynamic sitting exercise on the lower back mobility of sedentary young adults. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 27: 3359-3363, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Yamauchi J+,*, Kurihara T+, Yoshikawa M, Taguchi S and Hashimoto T+,*. Specific characterization of regional storage fat in upper and lower limbs of young healthy adults. SpringerPlus. 4:402, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Ritsumeikan University

○Keawduangdee P, Puntumetakul R, Swangnetr M, Laohasiriwong W, Settheetham D, Yamauchi J and Boucaut R. Prevalence of low back pain and associated factors among farmers during the rice transplanting process. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 27: 2239-2245, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Prommanon B, Puntumethakul R, Puengsuwan P, Chatchawan U, Kamolrat T, Rittitod T and Yamauchi J. Effectiveness of back care pillow as an adjuvant physical therapy in chronic non-specific low back pain treatment: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 27: 2035-2038, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Otsuka M, Yamauchi J*, Kurihara T, Morita N and Isaka T. Toe flexor strength and lower-limb physical performance in adolescent. Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche. 174: 307-313, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Ritsumeikan University

○Yamauchi J+,* and Koyama K+. Influence of ankle braces on the maximum strength of plantar and toe flexor muscles. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 36: 592-595, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Toin University of Yokohama

○Chatchawan U, Eungpinichpong W, Plandee P and Yamauchi J. Effects of Thai foot massage on balance performance in diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy: a randomized, parallel-controlled trial. Medical Science Monitor Basic Research. 21: 68-75, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Hongsuwan C, Eungpinichpong W, Chatchawan U and Yamauchi J. Effects of Thai massage on physical fitness in soccer players. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 27: 505-508, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Morita N+,*, Yamauchi J+,*, Kurihara T, Fukuoka R, Otsuka M, Okuda T, Ishizawa N, Nakajima T, Nakamichi R, Matsuno S, Kamiie S, Shide N, Kambayashi I and Shinkaiya H. Toe flexor strength and foot arch height in children. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 47: 350-356, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Hokkaido University of Education

○Puntumetakul R, Suvarnnato T, Werasirirat P, Uthaikhup S, Yamauchi J and Boucaut R. Acute effects of single and multiple level thoracic manipulations on chronic mechanical neck pain: A randomized controlled trial. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 11: 137-144, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Puntumetakul R, Yodchaisarn W, Emasithi A, Keawduangdee P, Chatchawan U and Yamauchi J. Prevalence and individual risk factors associated with clinical lumbar instability in rice farmers with low back pain. Patient Preference and Adherence. 9: 1-7, 2015.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Kurihara T+, Yamauchi J+,*, Otsuka M, Tottori N, Hashimoto T and Isaka T. Maximum toe flexor muscle strength and quantitative analysis of human plantar intrinsic and extrinsic muscles by a magnetic resonance imaging technique. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 7: 26, 2014.
>Collaboration research with Ritsumeikan University

○Chatchawan U, Eungpinichpong W, Sooktho S, Tiamkao S and Yamauchi J. Effects of Thai Traditional Massage on Pressure Pain Threshold and Headache Intensity in patients with Chronic-Tension Type and Migraine Headaches. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 20: 486-492, 2014.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Koyama K, Kato K and Yamauchi J*. The effect of ankle taping on the ground reaction force in vertical jump performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 28: 1411-1417, 2014.
>Collaboration research with Toin University of Yokohama

○Peungsuwan P, Sermcheep P, Harnmontree P, Eungpinichpong W, Puntumetakul R, Chatchawan U and Yamauchi J. The Effectiveness of Thai Exercise with Traditional Massage on the Pain, Walking Ability and QOL of Older People with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial in the Community. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 26: 139-144, 2014.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Puntumetakul R, Areeudomwong P, Emasithi A and Yamauchi J. Effect of 10-week core stabilization exercise training and detraining on pain-related outcomes in patients with clinical lumbar instability. Patient Prefer Adherence. 7: 1189-99, 2013.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Areeudomwong P, Puntumetakul R, Jirarattanaphochai K, Wanpen S, Kanpittaya J, Chatchawan U and Yamauchi J. Core Stabilization Exercise Improves Pain Intensity, Functional Disability and Trunk Muscle Activity in Patients with Clinical Lumbar Instability: a Pilot Randomized Controlled Study. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 24: 1007-1012, 2012.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Leelayuwat N, Laddawan S, Kanpetta Y, Benja M, Wongpan D, Tunkamnerdthai O, Wattanathorn J, Muchimapura S and Yamauchi J. Quercetin Enhances Endurance Capacity via Antioxidant Activity and Size of Muscle Fibre Type 1. Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences 2: 160-164, 2012.
>Collaboration research with Khon Kaen University, Thailand

○Yamauchi J. Your own bodyweight-based exercise training for elderly individuals. Physiotimes 2(1): 34-36, 2010.

○Yamauchi J, Mishima C, Nakayama S and Ishii N. Ageing related differences in maximum force, unloaded velocity and power of human leg multi-joint movement. Gerontology 56(2): 167-174, 2010.

○Yamauchi J, Mishima C, Nakayama S and Ishii N. Force-velocity, force-power relationships of bilateral and unilateral leg multi-joint movements in young and elderly women. Journal of Biomechanics 42: 2151-2157, 2009.

○Yamauchi J, Nakayama S and Ishii N. Effects of bodyweight-based exercise training on muscle functions of leg multi-joint movement in elderly individuals. Geriatrics & Gerontology International 9(3): 262-269, 2009.

○Kinugasa R, Shin D, Yamauchi J, Mishra C, Hodgson JA, Edgerton VR and Sinha S. Phase contrast MRI reveals the mechanical behavior of the superficial and deep aponeuroses in human medial gastrocnemius during isometric contraction. Journal of Applied Physiology 105(4): 1312-1320, 2008.

○Yamauchi J and Hargens A. Effects of dynamic and static handgrip exercises on hand and wrist volume. European Journal of Applied Physiology 103(1): 41-45, 2008.

○Yamauchi J, Nakayama S and Ishii N. Blood pressure response to force-velocity properties of the knee-hip extension movement. European Journal of Applied Physiology 102(5): 569-575, 2008.

○Yamauchi J and Ishii N. Relations between force-velocity characteristics of the knee-hip extension movement and vertical jump performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 21: 703-709, 2007.

○Yamauchi J, Mishima C, Fujiwara M, Nakayama S and Ishii N. Steady-state force-velocity relation in human multi-joint movement determined with force clamp analysis. Journal of Biomechanics 40: 1433-1442, 2007.

○Yamauchi J, Mishima C, Nakayama S and Ishii N. Torque-velocity relation of pedaling movement against stepwise increase in load. International Journal of Sport and Health Science 3: 110-115, 2005.

* Corresponding author
+ Equal contributors


○山内潤一郎. 未来志向のこころとからだ-旅・夢. NHKシリーズ - こころをよむ. 日本放送協会、 日本放送出版協会. 2013.

○Yamauchi, Junichiro. Chapter 7: Aging and Exercise Training on the Neuromuscular Functions of Human Movements. In: Geriatrics (Edited by Craig S. Atwood), InTech: 105-116, 2012.

○山内潤一郎. Section 5: 運動と筋 - 3.骨格筋機能と筋肥大. 運動生理学のニューエビデンス (宮村実晴編著), 真興交易(株)医書出版部: 123-129, 2010.

○山内潤一郎. 未来志向のこころとからだ. NHKシリーズ - こころをよむ. 日本放送協会、 日本放送出版協会. 2010

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