Infrastructure Management and Policy

Tomoki ISHIKURA Labo



Principle of Research

Research regarding the relationship between policy and human society requires us to understand behavior of human and society deeply. Economic theory is the academic field which covers above matter. The principle of our research is to consider the policy and human society by means of normative "Models" which depict the society based on economic theory. Economic models are formulated by mathematical way, especially optimization theory. Therefore research in our laboratory begins with learning economics and optimization theory.

Directions of Research

International transport system, riverbank, urban lifeline and road in front of our house are all included in the concept of infrastructure. Thus spatial scale of infrastructure has wide variety. Furthermore, time scope of infrastructure is ultra long, for instance, ancient Roman road is the base of current highway network in Italy. Construction time, period of use and life of infrastructure is in general very long. Infrastructure management policy should be considered with long viewpoint.



Room 595, Bld-9, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Minami-Osawa 1-1, Hachioji, Tokyo, 192-0397 JAPAN