






  • 日時: 2013年2月22日(金)11:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館301号室
  • 講師: Prof. David Andelman (Tel Aviv Univ.)
  • 題目: Ionic Specific Effects beyond the Poisson-Boltzmann Theory: Electrolytes, Surfaces and Membranes
  • 要旨: In aqueous solutions, dissolved ions interact strongly with the surrounding water and surfaces, thereby modifying solution properties in an ion-specific manner. The Poisson-Boltzmann description of ionic solutions has been successfully used in predicting charge distributions and interactions between charged macromolecules. However, when dealing with various aspects of real physical, chemical and biological systems, the Poisson-Boltzmann has several noticeable shortcomings. In the talk I will describe several such effects that we have considered recently. I will review how this strategy has been used to predict some of the ways ion-specific effects can modify the forces acting within and between charged interfaces immersed in salt solutions. Among others, they include steric effects due to finite ion size close to interfaces, decrement of the solution dielectric constant due to the presence of ions, mixed solvent effects, direct ion-surface interactions and charge regulation, and solutions of antagonist ions.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2012年11月30日(金)13:30
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館301号室
  • 講師: 野々村美宗氏 (山形大学)
  • 題目: ヘレンケラー問題:手触りによる水認知のメカニズム
  • 要旨: 水の手触りは魅力的である。ヘレンケラーは少女だったころ、その素晴らしさを瞬時に感じたという。われわれは摩擦評価装置・高速カメラ観察・コンピュータシミュレーションを用いてヒトが触覚で水を認知するメカニズムを界面科学的な見地から解明した。さらに力覚呈示装置により水の手触りを再現することに成功した。これらの成果はバーチャルリアリティシステムやロボットの開発だけでなく、化粧品、繊維など幅広い工学の分野で注目されている
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]、好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2012年10月12日(金)11:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館307号室
  • 講師: 岡本隆一氏 (京都大学)
  • 題目: 臨界溶液中における物体間相互作用の普遍的振る舞い
  • 要旨: 一成分(混合)溶液中に物体を入れると、物体表面と溶液分子との相互作用によって、物体周囲の溶液密度(組成)に勾配が生じる。物体を複数入れた場合、それぞれの物体周りの密度(組成)勾配が重なり合うことによって物体間に相互作用が働く。溶媒が臨界点近くにある場合、相互作用は強く長距離に及び、更に、溶液の種類や物体表面の微視的詳細によらない普遍的振る舞いを示す(一部では臨界カシミア効果とも呼ばれる) [1]。比較的最近、コロイドと平板の間の相互作用が実験的にも直接計測された[2]。普遍的振る舞いを表すスケーリング関数は、従来、平均場理論を除けば臨界密度(組成)の場合にしか計算されていなかった。我々は、局所のオーダーパラメータの値に応じて"臨界点からの距離"が異なるという考えに基づき、局所の相関長以下の揺らぎを繰り込んだ"local functional theory"を構築した[3]。これによって、非臨界密度(組成)の場合にも容易にスケーリング関数が計算出来るようになった。特に、臨界温度以下の一相領域においてcapillary condensationが普遍的振る舞いを示し、臨界組成の場合に比較して10-100倍もの強い力が物体間に働くことがわかった。
    [1]M. E. Fisher and P. G. de Gennes, C. R. Seances Acad. Sci., Ser. B 287, 207 (1978).
    [2]C. Hertlein, L. Helden, A. Gambassi, S. Dietrich, and C. Bechinger, Nature (London) 451, 172 (2008).
    [3]R. Okamoto and A. Onuki, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 114704 (2012).
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2012年10月5日(金)11:15
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 11号館307号室
  • 講師: Dr. Max C. Watson (NIST Center for Neutron Research)
  • 題目: Viscous dissipation and generalized deformations in lipid bilayers
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2012年5月21日(月)14:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 11号館202号室
  • 講師: Prof. Michael Gradzielski (Technische Universitat Berlin)
  • 題目: Interactions between Surface Modified Silica Nanoparticles and Phospholipid Vesicles and Cells
  • 要旨: The interaction of phospholipid vesicles with hard nanoparticles is of great relevance to the field of nanotechnology, for instance concerning its impact on health and safety matters but also with respect to using such systems for drug delivery. Theoretical studies have shown that the interaction between nanoparticles and vesicles may result in many different scenarios such as surface adhesion, encapsulation of the nanoparticle in the vesicle or within the phospholipid membrane. In that context we studied the interactions between silica nanoparticles (radius:15-100 nm) and extruded phospholipid vesicles (DMPC or DOPC) of about 50-150 nm radius by means of phase stability studies, electric conductivity, SLS, DLS, ζ-potential, ITC, SANS, SAXS, and cryo-transmission electron microscopy. In addition, the silica particles were functionalized, for instance by means of surface amination, in order to allow for systematic modulation of their interaction with the membranes.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 傾斜的研究費「次世代デバイスの物質科学」セミナー
  • 日時: 2012年6月2日(土)<午前>10:30 <午後>14:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館301号室
  • 講師: 水野大介氏 (九州大学)
  • 題目: <午前>力生成する細胞骨格の力学特性と力学知覚の物理メカニズム
  • <午後>力生成する細胞(骨格)の非平衡揺らぎ(前半)と非線形かつ異方的な力学応答(後半)
  • 要旨: <午前>細胞内部は、熱的な揺らぎよりもはるかに大きな非熱的な揺動力が絶えず生成して散逸しているために、典型的な非平衡状態にありま す。ここで、非熱的な揺動力とは、例えばモーターたんぱく質がATPを加水分 解して得たエネルギーを利用して生み出す非平衡力のことを指します。従来こうした物質内部で生成している力を定量化する方法は殆ど存在していませんでした。例えばAFMや微小針を用いた細胞の力測定では、測定チップに伝達された力を測っているのであり、これは細胞内部で実際に生成している力と等価では全くありません。他方で最近開発されたActive-Passiveマイクロレオロジーと呼ばれる新しい実験的手法では、試料内部に埋め込んだコロイド粒子の運動に関する”揺動散逸定理の破れ”を観測することで、システム内部の非平衡度(力生成の強さ)を 定量化します。
    この方法を利用してモデル細胞骨格(アクチン・ミオシンゲル)の力学挙動を計測したところ、この細胞骨格は自発的に生成した力(非平衡度)の度合いに応じ て、(自らの化学組成や構造を変えることなしに)その固さを百倍も変化させることが分かりました。また、培養細胞の外部に伝達される 揺動力と外部環境の力学特性との関係を系統的に計測した結果、細胞の揺動力が外部環境に伝達される効率は、外部環境と細胞の硬さの比に強く依存して変化することも分かりました。この結果は、細胞が自分の力学的な特性を「ものさし」として利用して、外部環境の硬さ・柔らかさを測っていることを強く示唆しています。

    <午後前半>細胞(骨格)中で生じている非平衡揺らぎは、媒質中に分散させたコロイド粒子の運動として観測することができる。平衡媒質の熱揺らぎを解析する従来のマイクロレオロジーでは、揺動散逸定理を用いて揺らぎの2次のモーメント(パワースペクトルや平均2乗変位)から周囲媒質の力学特性が求められてきた。他方で、プローブ粒子に直接エネルギーが注入される単一粒子非平衡系の場合(例えば光トラップやプローブ粒子に付着したモーターたんぱく質によりプローブ粒子が駆動される場合)には、非熱的な揺らぎの2次のモーメントから直接注入されたエネルギーのスペクトルを求める方法論が発見されている(Harada, Sasa 2005)。しかしながら、細胞(骨格)中の非熱的揺らぎは、媒質中の各所で自発的に生じた駆動が弾性体中を伝搬してプローブ粒子に伝えられているために、このことを考慮した理論モデルを構築する必要がある。

  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2011年12月16日(金)11:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館302号室
  • 講師: 日出間るり氏 (山形大学)
  • 題目: 流体への高分子添加効果を高分子の伸張粘度で評価する薄膜干渉流動画像法の開発
  • 要旨: 流体に微量の高分子を添加すると、乱流の流体摩擦抵抗が著しく減少し流体が流れやすくなることが知られており、これは高分子の乱流抑制だと言われている。工業的に流体輸送のエネルギー効率を高める観点から、一連の研究ではパイプなど円管中の流体が多く取り上げられ、壁付近の速度勾配が議論されてきた。したがって壁付近で流体に与えられるずり歪みに由来する、ずり粘度に注目が集まった。一方でde Gennes らは高分子を円管の中央に流した時にも乱流抑制が起こると指摘している。本研究では乱流抑制には高分子の伸張粘度が重要だと考え、伸張粘度の増加の仕方が異なると予想される屈曲性の高分子と剛直な高分子を添加した溶液で流動薄膜を作り、乱流抑制の起こり方を比較した。その実験と解析について紹介する。
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2011年12月15日(木)13:30
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館302号室
  • 講師: 河合武司教授 (東京理科大学)
  • 題目: 新規長鎖アミドアミン誘導体の特異なソフトマテリアル機能
  • 要旨: 最近、我々は新規化合物の長鎖アミドアミン誘導体が比較的簡単な構造であるにも関わらず、外部刺激応答機能や無機ナノマテリアルのテンプレート機能などを兼ね備えた多機能なソフトマテリアルであることを見出した。セミナーでは特に、高温で固くなる感温性ゲル機能、非常に狭い温度領域で発色する機能、直径が2 nm程度の金やパラジウムの極細ナノワイヤー作製のテンプレート機能などについてご紹介する。
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2011年8月30日(火)14:30
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館302号室
  • 講師: 前多祐介氏 (The Rockefeller University, USA)
  • 題目: The Soret effect from molecular separation to non-equilibrium RNA world:A physics approach to the origins of life
  • 要旨: Atoms and molecules move along a gradient of external fields as seen in electrophoresis. One unexplored but relevant alternative in soft condensed matters is thermophoresis, the Soret effect, that makes a solute moves along a temperature gradient.
    Thermophoresis depletes a polyethylene (PEG) polymer of large concentrations from the hot region and builds a concentration gradient. In such a solution, DNA as a solute of small concentration experience thermophoresis and PEG concentration-dependent restoring forces under focused laser heating. DNA localizes as a ring-like structure which diameter monotonically decreases with its length following a behavior similar to gel electrophoresis. But for large DNA above 5.6kbp the ring diameter increases with the length due to reptation in an entangled PEG mesh. This size-dependent localization is also observed in the colloidal particles. According to a model based on hydrodynamics, ring-like localization for colloids results from the interplay between thermophoresis and another phoretic motion that originating from osmotic pressure of PEG near the surface [1].
    Furthermore, small RNA such as ribozymes and microRNA can also be selected and accumulated depending on the folding state. The selection of RNA is affected by its rigidity, which depends on sequence. Since temperature gradient is ubiquitous in nature, interesting fallout of this effect concerns the origin of life hypothesis near thermal vents where large temperature gradient may select small ribozymes in the pores present in the solid deposits of the vents.
    [1] Y.T. Maeda, A. Buguin, A. Libchaber, PRL 107, 038301 (2011).
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2011年6月30日(木)14:30
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 11号館202号室
  • 講師: 高須昌子氏 (東京薬科大学)
  • 題目: シミュレーションによるゲルとタンパク質の構造形成の研究
  • 要旨: 高分子とタンパク質はいずれも長い分子であるが、構成要素などの違いにより、その構造や機能には大きな違いがあり興味深い。本講演では、我々の化学ゲルの生成に関するシミュレーション、ペプチドのストライプ構造形成やタンパク質の繊維化に関するシミュレーションの結果をご紹介して、ゲルやタンパク質における構造形成について議論する。
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2011年3月14日(月)15:00(中止)
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館301号室
  • 講師: Dr. Dan Ben-Yaakov (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  • 題目: Ion-specific density profiles and pressure in ionic solutions
  • 要旨: Franz Hofmeister observed ion-specific effects already in the late 1800's and showed that certain monovalent ions (such as fluoride and chloride) are more effective at precipitating proteins ("salting out") than others, such as bromide and iodide. Since then, the number of observations that found similar ion-specific interactions has steadily grown. These effects are found to influence the interactions of surfactant micelles, lipid-bilayer membranes, proteins, DNA molecules and more.
    However, the theoretical origin for these effects is still not fully understood. Many theoretical studies were devoted in the past, trying to interpret a large body of experimental evidence. The complexity of the inter-constituents interactions is a major difficulty of constructing a complete theoretical model.
    Our strategy to tackle the problem is using simple phenomenological models in order to obtain an intuitive picture of the various effects. In my talk I will describe several such models. In particular, I will focus on two models that were suggested by us recently. In one of the models we tried to shed new light on the importance of preferential ion-solvation in binary mixture, and how does it change the repulsion between two similarly-charged planar surfaces. In the second model the influence of an ionic-dependent dielectric response on the ionic-profiles and the osmotic pressure is discussed. Our results show that non-electrostatic effects may lead to either increase or decrease in the forces between charged objects, depending on the nature of the non-electrostatic interactions.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2011年3月7日(月)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館301号室
  • 講師: Prof. Rony Granek (Ben-Gurion University of The Negev, Israel)
  • 題目: Protein Dynamics and Stability: Universality vs. Specificity
  • 要旨: In this talk, I shall discuss the fractal characteristics of natively folded proteins and their relation to protein dynamics and function. A universal equation of state, describing the relation between the spectral and fractal dimensions of a protein and the number of amino acids, will be shown. Using structural data from the protein data bank of about 5,000 proteins, and the Gaussian network model, I shall demonstrate that the equation of state is well obeyed. Various dynamical quantities will be shown to evolve anomalously. The effect of the hydrodynamic interaction between amino acids will be also elucidated. Finally, I will discuss the dynamic structure factor S(k,t) of proteins at large wavenumbers k, that are sensitive to the protein internal dynamics, and demonstrate its stretched exponential decay.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2010年12月15日(水)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館307号室
  • 講師: 甲賀研一郎氏 (岡山大学)
  • 題目: 疎水性水和と疎水性相互作用
  • 要旨: 疎水効果の特長は,疎水性溶質の水に対する低い溶解度が温度上昇とともに更に低下し,それと同時に溶媒誘起引力相互作用が強くなるということである。このセミナーでは簡単なモデル系を調べることで,広い意味での疎水性水和と疎水性相互作用が発現する条件について考察する。
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2010年9月27日(月)16:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館301号室
  • 講師: 長尾道弘氏 (NIST, USA)
  • 題目: 中性子散乱によるソフトマターダイナミクスの観測
  • 要旨: ソフトマターは広い時空スケールにおける階層構造が特徴である。中性子散乱法は、sub nmからsub μmの構造のsubpsからsubμsの運動を捉えるプローブとして利用されている。中性子スピンエコー法は、中性子散乱法として最高のエネルギー分解能を持ち、ソフトマターのコヒーレントな運動の研究に適している。今回は、界面活性剤膜の厚み揺らぎと高分子ゲルのダイナミクス研究を例にとりながら、中性子散乱を使ったソフトマターの物性研究について説明する。
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]、川端庸平(youheik[at]
  • 日時: 2010年9月27日(月)14:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館301号室
  • 講師: Prof. Michael Gradzielski (Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany)
  • 題目: Mesodynamics - Morphological Transitions of Self-Aggregating Systems Followed by Highly Time-Resolved SAXS and SANS Experiments
  • 要旨: Self-aggregating systems (surfactants, amphiphilic copolymer, ...) can occur in form of different structures and morphologies that depend mainly on molecular structure and concentration of the amphiphile, as well as on external parameters such as temperature, pH or ionic strength. Typically self-aggregating structures are highly dynamic species where the characteristic times for structural reorganisations may range from μs to weeks. Therefore a comprehensive understanding of amphiphilic systems requires not only the investigation of the static phase behaviour but also of their dynamics. This even more so as in many circumstances self-aggregating systems are not in equilibrium under application conditions. Morphological changes in amphiphilic systems can often be triggered by mixing with other surfactants, additives, or solubilisates. In our experiments rapid mixing was done by the stopped-flow technique and coupling it to high-flux SANS/SAXS instruments which allows then to obtain detailed structural information with a time-resolution of 5-50 ms. Using this method a variety of different structural transitions has been investigated. As particular examples we will discuss the formation of unilamellar vesicles by admixing oppositely charged surfactant or a cosurfactant and solubilisation processes in microemulsions,. These processes were followed in structural detail and especially with respect to intermediate, non-equilibrium structures involved. Based on the knowledge of the intermediate disk structure in the process of vesicle formation we were able to modify this process by admixture of suitable amphiphilic copolymers, thereby allowing to control the kinetics of formation and thereby the size and stability of the formed vesicles. Another interesting aspect is the dynamics of solubilisates in amphiphilic systems that can also be studied by this method. In general it is to be expected that investigations of the dynamics of structural transitions in amphiphilic systems will become of increasing importance as in many of their applications they are not present under equilibrium conditions and since dynamical aspects of self-aggregating systems are often not considered in thorough detail.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2010年6月15日(火)14:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館304号室
  • 講師: Prof. David Andelman (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  • 題目: Block copolymers at surfaces: patterns, templates and electric fields
  • 要旨: Diblock copolymers (BCP) exhibit a wide variety of spatially modulated phases due to competing molecular and entropic forces. The resulting self-assembly nano-structures and morphologies have many uses and applications. In recent years an intensive effort has been devoted to control ordering of block copolymers close to surfaces and in thin film set-ups as is required by many applications. In this talk I will review some recent experiments as well as our theoretical investigations aimed at understanding the ways to control orientation of anisotropic BCP phases. One line of studies is devoted to use of electric fields in order to orient lamellar and hexagonal phases of BCP. More recently, reported experiments and modeling included doping of BCP by ionic impurities that enhance and complement the dielectric response of BCP to external electric fields. In a separate line of research, we also investigated the effect of patterned surfaces on orientation and ordering of lamellar BCP phases. By using analytical free-energy expansions as well as numerical solutions of self-consistent field theory of chains, surface characteristics that enable BCP lamellar to orient perpendicular to bounding surfaces are explored. Two types of surfaces are considered: (i) chemical patterns in the form of far-apart stripes that induce in-between ordering of perpendicular BCP lamellar phases; and, (ii) a grooved mold used as in nano-imprint lithography to orient lamellar phases. For both surfaces, we present the conditions to induce perpendicular ordering and orientation within the theoretical framework.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2008年9月5日(金)14:30
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 国際交流会館中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. Reinhard Strey (University of Cologne, Germany)
  • 題目: Microemulsions: State of the Art, Research and Novel Applications
  • 要旨: Microemulsions are mixtures of water, oil and surfactant with an intriguing nanostructure. Key variables are the curvature of the amphiphilic film and the efficiency of the surfactant. The fundamental trends as they came out of our long-lasting research will be explained. The potential use of microemulsions in applications will be exemplified considering nanofoam formation and clean combustion. Starting from microemulsions of the type water -- near-critical propane -- nonionic amphiphile, supercritical bicontinuous CO2 microemulsions were traced down by replacing propane by carbon dioxide in a step-wise fashion. Intimate knowledge of the general phase behavior of microemulsions then allows the formulation of both CO2-in-water and water-in-CO2 droplet microemulsions. Using the supercritical CO2-in-water microemulsions as starting point nanofoams with extremely high bubble number densities are feasible in contrast to conventional foaming procedures. The great advantage over conventional foaming procedures is the high density of the blowing agent in the microemulsion droplets and its supercritical state which permits the immediate formation and growth of the bubbles without mass transport. Therefore, we avoid the usual bubble nucleation step and determine the initial number density and size of the foam bubbles by the parameters of the microemulsion. In another application microemulsions are used for clean combustion in motors, like e.g. diesel engines. It is known for a long time that the presence of liquid water in the compressed, hot combustible air-fuel mixture reduces the emission of pollutants like soot and nitrogen oxides. In many cases the efficiency of the motor was found to be increased. But there are also drawbacks. For instance, free water in the fuel injectors may cause corrosion. Often water-fuel emulsions are injected. Emulsions are thermodynamically unstable and therefore tend to separate. Microemulsions, on the contrary, do not separate because they are thermodynamically stable. We made microemulsions of water and diesel and tested these in various truck engines. Soot or particulate matter was reduced by more than 90 % in steady state operation and about 97 % in dynamic (i.e. accelerating) operation. Nitrogen oxides were 40 to 70 % lower compared to the reference diesel. In certain modes of operation fuel consumption was lower. Explanations for these positive findings will be discussed.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2008年6月6日(金)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館309号室
  • 講師: Prof. Hsuan-Yi Chen (National Central University, Taiwan)
  • 題目: Statistical mechanics of reversible non-covalent bonds: from single molecule experiment to cell adhesion
  • 要旨: Adhesion on subcellular scale is mediated by specific non-covalent molecular bond working cooperatively. Experimental studies on the adhesion molecules have been focusing on characterizing the strength of a single complex under external force, but little attention has paid to the cooperative effect in multiple parallel bonds. I shall begin with a discussion on the characteristics of single adhesion complex, including the rupture rate under weak and strong force, the effect of rebinding, and the interpretation of existing experimental data. After discussing single adhesion complex, I will show that by constructing the effective free energy of a cluster of parallel adhesion complexes, a system of multiple parallel bonds under external force can be studied by theoretical methods similar to those used for single adhesion complexes.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2008年5月30日(金)13:30
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 国際交流会館中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. Walter Richtering (RWTH Aachen University)
  • 題目: Shear induced structures in lamellar systems: from layers to onions to onions and layers
  • 要旨: The shear induced size evolution of multilamellar vesicles (MLV, “Onions”) of a non-ionic surfactant system composed of 40wt% C10E3 in D2O was investigated with the help of Rheo-Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), Rheo-Small Angle Light Scattering (SALS) and optical microscopy. We will especially discuss shear quench experiments, i.e. when the shear rate is reduced. Two different pathways were observed. A continuous growth of vesicle size was found when the shear rate was reduced within the stability region of monodisperse MLV (Region III). However, a discontinuous pathway was observed for shear quenches from the monodisperse into the polydisperse MLV region (Region II). A shear quench into the high shear rate part of region II leads to a formation of lamellar domains which themselves follow the pathway of MLV formation in coexistence to the initial MLV structure. A shear quench into the low shear rate part region II leads to the formation of lamellar macro-domains, which display a tumbling behaviour and grow with time until the MLV formation process starts.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2007年12月19日(水)15:30
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館309号室
  • 講師: 木村康之氏 (九州大学)
  • 題目: 光ピンセットでソフトマターを“操る”・“測る”
  • 要旨: レーザー光を回折限界近くまで急速に絞り、その電場勾配を利用して、ミクロンサイズの粒子を3次元的に捕捉する「光ピンセット」を用いたソフトマターのマイクロ操作および、マイクロ物性測定について紹介する。
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2007年11月1日(木)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 国際交流会館中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. Frederic Nallet (Centre de Recherche Paul-Pascal, CNRS, France)
  • 題目: Structural and Dynamic Properties of Lyotropic Lamellar Phases in the Presence of DNA or Protein Host Components
  • 要旨: Multi-lamellar vesicles (or "onions") are conceptually attractive systems for drug-delivery applications. They are prepared from lyotropic lamellar phases in the presence of biologically-active host molecules - DNA or proteins, for instance. We consider model lamellar phases, investigating their structural and dynamic properties with small-angle x-ray scattering and fluorescence recovery. Working with oriented samples, we identify several structural phase transition as a function of confinement in the case of a DNA-doped, zwitterionic lamellar phase. The anisotropy of the DNA Brownian motion is indirectly evidenced by confocal fluorescence microscopy when the system is confined, in qualitative agreement with the two-dimensionally ordered structures (rectangular-centred, hexagonal) observed using x-rays.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2007年9月18日(火)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 300号室
  • 講師: Mr. Dan Ben-Yaakov (Tel Aviv University)
  • 題目: Electrostatic Interactions of Asymmetric Charged Membranes
  • 要旨: Electrostatic interactions between macromolecules and membranes have been widely investigated in recent decades. The effort of theoretical studies was mainly focused on the interactions between similarly charged bodies, due to relevant experiments on interacting biological cell membranes. Quite recently, advancement in the experimental techniques enabled the study of non-similar charged surfaces. We propose a theoretical model to account for the interaction between two asymmetrically charged surfaces in an ionic solution. We use a mean-field approach to describe the surface electrostatic interaction, which is mediated by the ions in solution. Under the assumption of fixed surface charges the model predicts different regimes of attractive and repulsive interactions. This problem was previously studied in the linear regime (Debye-Huckel) by Parsegian and Gingell (Biophys. J., 1972). We extend the treatment to the non-linear regimes by numerical calculations and scaling relations. We apply our model to experiments performed using the surface force balance apparatus. The numerical calculations are in good agreement with the experimental findings at large and intermediate separations. We discuss the deviation at small separations, and show that adding a van der Waals interaction to the electrostatic one gives good agreement with the experiment in this regime.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2007年7月30日(月)13:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 国際交流会館 中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. G. Gompper (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
  • 題目: Buckling and Crumpling of Virus Shells and Paper Sheets
  • 要旨: Virus capsids and crystalline surfactant vesicles are two examples of self-assembled shells in the nano- to micrometer size range. Virus capsids are particularly interesting since they have to sustain large internal pressures while encapsulating and protecting the viral DNA. Motivated by recent nano-indentation experiments of viral capsids by a scanning force microscope (SFM), we therefore study the mechanical properties of crystalline shells of icosahedral symmetry on a substrate under an uni-axial applied force by computer simulations. We predict the elastic response for small deformations, and characterize the buckling transitions at large deformations. Buckling and crumpling also occur on macroscopic scales when thin elastic sheets, such as paper sheets or aluminum foil, are compressed by mechanical forces. In addition to the elastic properties of the material, determined by its resistance to bending and stretching, packing constraints are very important already at small compression. Computer simulations are employed to elucidate the effects of self-avoidance. We predict the power-law exponents of the force-compression curves and the patterns of folds in crumpled sheets. The results are compared with recent experiments.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2007年7月30日(月)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 国際交流会館 中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. Jan K. G. Dhont (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
  • 題目: Thermodiffusion of Colloids
  • 要旨: Thermal diffusive properties of colloidal particles depend on (i) interactions between the colloids and (ii) on single-particle properties (connected to, for example, their solvation layer and double layer). I will first discuss a thermodynamic approach to thermodiffusion of interacting colloids. In such a thermodynamic approach, hydrodynamic interactions between the colloids can not be taken into account. Such interactions can only be accounted for through a microscopic approach. A Smoluchowski equation will be proposed which is valid for systems in a temperature gradient, that allows to account for hydrodynamic interactions. This equation of motion will be solved to first order in colloid concentration, leading to quantitative predictions for the leading order virial coefficients in a density expansion of the thermal diffusion coefficient, including both direct and hydrodynamic interactions. In addition, the double-layer contribution to the single-particle thermodiffusion coefficient will be discussed. An explicit calculation is performed to within the Debye-Hueckel approximation. Both the interaction contributions and single-particle contributions to the thermal diffusion coefficient will be compared to experiments.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2006年12月11日(月)14:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 300号室
  • 講師: 長尾道弘氏 (NIST)
  • 題目: 中間相関関数からの形状揺らぎと構造揺らぎの分離解釈
  • 要旨: マイクロエマルションなどのソフトマター系では、形状揺らぎと構造 揺らぎに起因する準弾性中性子散乱が観測される。これまでの実験や解 析では、特に希薄系からの 散乱に注目し、形状揺らぎに起因するダイナ ミクスに対する議論が多かった。これ は、高濃度になるに従って、観測 される運動モードが多様になり、単純な議論では解 釈が困難になるため である。しかしながら、例えば、Molle ら[1] によって行 われ た濃厚droplet 系の実験、解析からは、形状揺らぎの周波数 が希薄droplet 系に比較 して大きい事が確認された。このこと は、droplet のpacking によってdroplet 間の 斥力 相互作用が増大し、これに伴うエントロピックな影響により界面活性剤 膜が硬 化した、として理解される。このdense droplet 系では活 性剤膜は球形を保てず、多 面体形状になる事が知られている [2]。この形状は、活性剤膜が硬化することにより 支えられているので あろう。例えば、細胞は球形ではなく六面体様の構造を形成する 事が知 られているが、これは、濃厚droplet 系における近接 droplet との相互作用 の結果生じているものと考えられるのではなかろ うか。 この例からも明らかなように、ソフトマター系の自発構造形成要因を 理解する上 で、濃厚系における構造とダイナミクスを明らかにする事は 重要な課題である。本研 究は、球形droplet 構造における形状揺 らぎと、濃度増加に伴う構造揺らぎの影響を 分離解釈する一つの試みで ある。2 種類のコントラストから得られる中性子散乱は同 一物体 に対する異なった見方である。従って、静的な構造及び動的な構造は近 似の 範囲で一定であると見なせる。この場合、2 種類のコントラ ストから得られる準弾性 中性子散乱データを相補的に用いて解析する事 により、形状揺らぎと構造揺らぎを分 離できる可能性を示す。
    [1] B. Molle et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 068305 (2003).
    [2] A. de Geyer et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 6610 (2000).
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 川端 (youheik[at]
  • 日時: 2006年12月6日(水)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 302号室
  • 講師: Prof. David Andelman (Tel Aviv Univ.)
  • 題目: An introduction to electrostatics in Soft Matter and Biological Physics
  • 要旨: It is hard to overestimate the importance of electrostatic interactions associated with charged objects in soft and biological matter. In aqueous environment, typical to many of these systems, a wealth of functional, structural and dynamical properties are related to charge dissociation. Specific systems include electrolyte solutions, charged surfaces and biological charged membranes, polyelectrolytes (charged polymers) and charged colloids. In this short introduction I will review the basic ideas related to mobile ions in solutions: (i) The charge entropy and their distribution close to charge boundaries; (ii) the Poisson-Boltzmann equation and its solution for several charge boundary conditions; (iii) The Debye-Huckel theory of electrostatic screening; (iv) the electrostatic free energy and osmotic pressure between two charge plates. I will also mention the effect of charges on the elasticity of charged polymer chains and membranes. These ideas are of prime importance in interfacial, polymer, surfactant and colloidal science as well as in many biological processes in cells and on membranes.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2006年12月4日(水)11:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 304号室
  • 講師: Prof. Ishi Talmon (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
  • 題目: Cryo-TEM Imaging of Self-Aggregation in Solution
  • 要旨: Cryo-TEM has become an indispensable tool to acquire high-resolution direct images of self-aggregating complex liquids, namely liquids with structure on the order of nanometers to micrometers. The methodology that has been developed over the years allows us to capture the nanostructure in its native state of fixed concentration and temperature. A wide range of systems of low- and high-molecular weight solutes, synthetic and biological has been studied already by the technique. While most cryo-TEM work has been done on aqueous systems, more recently the technique has been extended to non-aqueous solvents as well.
    The term 'cryo-TEM' actually refers to the two techniques: direct-imaging cryo-TEM, by which a thin vitrified sample is examined by the TEM at cryogenic temperatures, and 'freeze-fracture-replication' cryo-TEM (FFR), by which a carbon-metal replica of the fractured fast-cooled specimen is examined at room temperature by the TEM. The two techniques are complementary, as I will explain in my talk.
    The presentation will begin with a brief description of the two techniques with emphasis on FFR. This will be followed by a discussion of the application of cryo-TEM to non-aqueous systems, pointing out the potential and the difficulties of this type of application. A survey of recent applications of cryo-TEM is to follow. This will focus on advanced ways to design and perform cryo-TEM experiments.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]、好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2006年10月31日(火)16:30
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 302号室
  • 講師: 藤井修治氏 (長岡技術科学大)
  • 題目: マルチラメラベシクル相の粘弾性挙動とそのサイズ効果
  • 要旨: ソフトマターの粘弾性挙動はそのメソスコピックな大きさの内部構造に依存するため、構造転移の際に劇的な変化を示す。流動下で観測される二分子膜系の構造転移はその代表的な例であり、その一つにラメラ-マルチラメラベシクル転移がある。しかし、実はこの構造転移がずり速度・応力だけではなく、空間サイズ効果によっても影響されることはあまり意識されていない。ここでは、このマルチラメラベシクル相に着目し、その構造が空間サイズ効果によって決まることを粘弾性関数の測定から検討する。また、空間サイズ効果のために生じるマルチラメラベシクルの異常な成長過程についても紹介する。
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]

  • 日時: 2006年10月13日(金)14:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 309号室
  • 講師: 山田悟史氏 (KEK)
  • 題目: 巨大単層膜ベシクル形成における添加剤の効果
  • 要旨: 生物の細胞やその小器官は、リン脂質の二分子膜を骨格に機能性の蛋白質等が埋め込まれた生体膜によって外部と仕切られている。一方、リン脂質の乾燥薄膜を水和させる静置水和法によって作成されるベシクル(小胞)は、モデル細胞として広く利用されている。しかし、この方法では巨大だが不均一な多層膜ベシクルが主に形成されるため、均一サイズの巨大単層膜ベシクル(Uni-Lamellar Vesicle; ULV)を作成するための改良が試みられている。近年、乾燥脂質薄膜に塩や糖といった添加剤をあらかじめ混合しておくことにより、数十mmの巨大なLUVが効率よく形成されることが明らかとなった。本研究ではベシクルの構造が水和過程に支配されていることに着目し、水和前後の構造を調べることによって添加剤によるLUVの形成メカニズム解明を試みた。水和前の乾燥リン脂質薄膜の構造を調べるために、中性子反射率計を用いて脂質/添加剤混合薄膜の表面構造の観測を行った。Parrattの式を用いて薄膜の構造を解析した結果、この混合薄膜では脂質二重膜の間に添加剤が入り込んだ積層構造をしていることが示された。一方、水和後に形成されるベシクルの構造はX線小角散乱を用いて観察した。添加剤の効果を明らかにするために、「脂質/添加剤混合薄膜」を「純水」で水和した試料と「純粋な脂質薄膜」を「添加剤水溶液」で水和した試料について観測を行った結果、前者ではLUVが、後者ではMLV (Multi-Lamellar Vesicle)が形成されることが明らかとなった。このことは添加剤と膜との相互作用ではなく、添加剤を脂質薄膜にあらかじめ混入した効果によってULVの形成が促進されることを意味している。これらの実験結果について定量的な議論を行うために、乾燥リン脂質薄膜の構造観察結果をもとに自由エネルギーを計算した。その結果、水和前に膜間に存在する添加剤による浸透圧がいわゆるunbinding transitionを引き起こし、その結果ULVの形成が促進されることが明らかになった。当日は以上の結果について、詳細を報告する。
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 川端 (youheik[at]
  • 日時: 2006年9月1日(金)16:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 302号室
  • 講師: 関和彦氏 (産業技術総合研究所)
  • 題目: Light-induced highly hydrophilic conversion of TiO2 surfaces
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2006年8月25日(金)17:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 302号室
  • 講師: Prof. C.-Y. David Lu (National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan)
  • 題目: Viscosity of the Smectic Liquid Crystals and the Defect Line Motions
  • 要旨: In this talk, we will discuss the possible origin of the viscosity of the smectic liquid crystals. We suggest that the numerous line defects in the smectic liquid crystals are responsible for the high viscosity and the shear thinning behavior. The defect motion under the flow is very important for modeling the flowing smectics. To further analyze the defect line motion, we use a model suitable for the smectics formed by the block-copolymer to analyze the defect motion. We find that the defect motion in smectics obeys the rule different from the one of the defects in crystals.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2006年8月11日(金)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 302号室
  • 講師: Prof. H. Orland (CEA-Saclay, France)
  • 題目: A Topological Classification of RNA Folds
  • 要旨: After reviewing some elementary properties of RNA, we show how the RNA folding problem can be formulated exactly in terms of an NxN matrix field theory. This formulation introduces a classification of RNA structures according to their topological genus. The large N limit of this theory generates the secondary structures of RNA (planar graphs), whereas 1/N corrections are identified as pseudo-knots. We show how the RNA structures can be analyzed in terms of primitive pseudo knots of low genus and how this concept can be incorporated in Monte Carlo methods to actually predict RNA folds.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2006年7月25日(火)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 国際交流会館中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. F. Nallet (Centre de Recherche Paul-Pascal, CNRS, France)
  • 題目: Organized Phases of Dilute Diblock Copolymer Solutions in Incompatible, Selective Solvents
  • 要旨: As revealed by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), organized phases are formed upon cooling dilute solutions of various polystyrene-based diblock copolymers solubilized into a mixture of two incompatible, selective solvents. At high temperatures, the two solvents (cyclohexane and dimethylformamide, nearly isorefractive) are fully miscible and a disordered phase of micelles is found. Long-range 2D or 3D ordered structures of lattice parameter above 50nm are found when the temperature is lowered below the phase separation temperature of the two solvents, with block copolymer molecules presumably located, as slightly swollen brushes, at the liquid-liquid interface. The influence of shear on the SANS spectra will be discussed.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2006年7月19日(水)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 300号室
  • 講師: Prof. I. W. Hamley (Univ. of Reading, UK)
  • 題目: Kinetics and Mechanisms of Ordering in Block Copolymers
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2006年7月18日(火)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 国際交流会館中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. U. Olsson (Lund University, Sweden)
  • 題目: Kinetics of Nonionic Bilayers
  • 要旨: When the monolayer spontaneous curvature is near zero, surfactants and lipids form different bilayer structures. The bilayer topology may be characterized by the average Gaussian curvature that can be negative as in the sponge phase, positive in the case of vesicles, or zero as for planar bilayers in the lamellar phase. For nonionic surfactants of the ethylene oxide type, the preferred bilayer topology is temperature dependent, due to the temperature dependence of the monolayer spontaneous curvature. This temperature sensitivity allows us to study topology transformations after rapid temperature changes, topology transformations that involve bilayer fusion or bilayer fission events. In this lecture we will discuss sponge phase kinetics and lamellar-to-sponge phase transition. For the kinetics of these topology transformations we observe a very strong dependence on the bilayer concentration, which is not yet fully understood.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2005年12月15日(木)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 12号館 206号室
  • 講師: 多辺由佳氏(早稲田大学)
  • 題目: 液晶単分子膜の散逸構造 -光で走る水で回る-
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2005年12月2日(金)14:30
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 国際交流会館中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. H. Hoffmann (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
  • 題目: Block Copolymers with a Hydrophobic and a Polyelectrolyte Block: Their Micellar Structures and Macroscopic Properties
  • 要旨: Block copolymers with a hydrophobic block and a polyelectrolyte block of about the same length form micelles but are not surface active. In order to control the charge density on the poly-electrolyte chain the block copolymer P-nBuA-b-PAA with a hydrophobic block and a polyacrylic acid chain has been studied as a function of the neutralisation degree alpha . The viscosities increase with alpha and pass over a maximum at alpha = 0.5. Solutions with a concentration of Cp = 1 % and at alpha = 0.5 are highly viscoelastic and have a yield stress value. Cryo-TEM micrographs show that globular micelles are present in the viscoelastic solutions. The radii of the hydrophobic core of the largest micelles are as large as the length of the fully stretched hydrophobic block. The rheological properties of the solutions are explained on the basis of the globular core-shell micelles where the polyelectrolyte chains form a corona around the hydrophobic block. Most of the counter-ions are in the condensed and free state inside the corona. Some of the counter-ions are outside of the corona and form an electrical double layer whose thickness depends on alpha. The viscoelastic properties of the solutions are thus given by the dense packing of the charged globular micelles. The decrease of the viscosity for alpha > 0.5 comes about by the shrinkage of the thickness of the electrical double layer. With increase of excess salt the double layer and the corona also shrink and the viscoelastic properties break down. With adsorption of zwitterionic surfactants the viscoelastic properties also disappear. Cryo-TEM micrographs of the block copolymers at alpha = 0.5 with adsorbed zwitterionic surfactants show that the polyelectrolyte chains of the block copolymers are wrapped around small globular micelles of the zwitterionic surfactants. The supra-molecular structures look like raspberry-like micelles.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2005年9月26日(月)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 大学院講義室 300
  • 講師: Dr. Yoav Tsori (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
  • 題目: Electric-field-induced demixing in liquid mixtures
  • 要旨: The effect of electric fields on the phase diagram of binary fluid mixtures has been the subject of intense research in the past 50 years. Starting from Debye and Landau & Lifshitz, experiments and theory have shown that electric fields can change the critical temperature of a mixture. However, the change to Tc is so small (about 0.01 degree) that there has been disagreement even about its sign. Here we show theoretically and demonstrate experimentally that non uniform electric fields can induce a phase transition in a liquid mixture of two non-polar fluids under practical conditions. The effect is huge and occurs at 1 degree or even more above the transition temperature. Possible applications are in microfluidics, light scattering and guiding, eraseable writing, controlled chemical reactions and electro-rheological devices.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2005年8月24日(水)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: Prof. Paul T. Callaghan (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
  • 題目: Rheo-NMR-microscopy: Localizing the Physics of Soft Matter
  • 要旨: A central problem in the physics of soft matter concerns the molecular basis of complex mechanical properties, and especially the response of the material to deformation and deformational flow. The key to addressing central questions concerning the role of molecular organization and dynamics in macroscopic constitutive behaviour, lies in the use of spectroscopic techniques that are capable of accessing information at the molecular level during deformational flow. Examples include optical birefringence and dichroism measurements, neutron and X-ray scattering, and most recently, nuclear magnetic resonance. An overview of the NMR methods will be given, along with some examples of flow measurement in different deformation geometries. Velocity imaging has proven useful in elucidating tubeless siphon flow, shear banding, fracture, yield stress phenomena, and shear-induced polymer chain alignment while spectroscopy is answering new questions about molecular organization and ordering. Already Rheo-NMR has thrown up some interesting effects. These include anomalous polymer deformation under shear, dynamics of shear-induced isotropic to nematic phase transitions in wormlike micelles, and correlations between stress fluctuations, shear banding fluctuations, and fluctuations in the orientational order of surfactant molecules.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2005年7月11日(月)15:00
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 大学院講義室 303
  • 講師: Prof. Pratap Bahadur (South Gujarat University, India)
  • 題目: Aggregate Formation by Polyoxyethylene Based Block Copolymers in Aqueous Solutions
  • 要旨: This talk will describe recent literature studies and some of our own results on aggregation behavior on water soluble block copolymers from three different classes viz. hydrophilic-hydrophobic (AB, ABA and BAB) block copolymers, double hydrophilic block copolymers and ABC triblock copolymers. Polyoxyethylene - polyoxypropylene - polyoxyethylene triblock copolymers (pluronicR) and their aggregation in aqueous solutions at different temperatures and in the presence of additives like salts, hydrotropes and ionic surfactants will be discussed in particular. Studies based on modern techniques viz. scattering (static and dynamic light scattering and small angle neutron scattering), spectral methods viz. fluorescence (static and time resolved), nuclear magnetic resonance and IR, thermal methods viz. differential scanning calorimetry and isothermal calorimetry, along with simple physical properties like surface tension, dye solubilization, sound velocity will be described. For the water soluble double hydrophilic block copolymers where one of the blocks is usually a polyion, complex formation by adding oppositely charged ions leading to nanoaggregates will be described. The formation and characteristics of core-shell-corona micelles of ABC triblock copolymers will be also discussed.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2005年6月9日(木)16:30
  • 場所: 首都大学東京 8号館 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: Mathilde Callies (College de France, France)
  • 題目: Super-hydrophobicity of textured surfaces
  • 要旨: Hydrophobic surfaces can be made super-hydrophobic by creating a texture on them. This effect, sometimes referred to as the "Fakir" effect, is due to air trapping in the structure, which provides the deposited drop with a composite surface made of solid and air on which it sits. Here we give evidence for this effect using forests of micro-pillars which allows us to control the "defect" density under the drop, and thus the degree of super-hydrophobicity. Our surfaces are textured by using micro-fabrication techniques: photolithography and deep etching. To begin with, we were interested in the influence of the micro-pillars density on the contact angle and the contact angle hysteresis. Indeed, we can foresee that the surface should become more hydrophobic when the density of micro-pillars decreases. However, the "Fakir" state is not always the most stable situation for a drop on a hydrophobic surface. The drop can fill the microstructure and this other state, called the "Wenzel" state, is very sticky compared to the "Fakir" one which is slippery. We are interested in the stability or the metastability of the "Fakir" drop as a function of the characteristics of the surface which are the "defect" density and the roughness. Secondly, we are interested now in the transition between one state to the other and the energy involved in this transition as a function of the parameters of the surface.
  • 問い合わせ先: 首都大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2004年9月3日(金)11:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: Prof. David Andelman (Tel Aviv Univ., Israel)
  • 題目: DNA condensation and aggregation by counterions
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2004年7月30日(金)14:40
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: 猪飼篤氏 (東京工業大学)
  • 題目: 巨大分子と生体構造のナノ力学測定
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 藤井政俊 (fujii-masatoshi[at]
  • 日時: 2003年12月3日(水)14:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: 藤谷洋平氏 (慶應義塾大学)
  • 題目: Lipid-Raftの、よどみ流中での微小変形と生体膜中での大きさ
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2003年11月26日(水)14:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 307
  • 講師: 中村浩章氏 (核融合科学研究所)
  • 題目: 散逸粒子動力学シミュレーションによる両親媒性分子C12E6の相図解明
  • 要旨: 全粒子分子動力学シミュレーションでは扱いが困難な超分子構造の形成を、散逸粒子動力学シミュレーションを用いて調べた。対象としてC12E6を取り上げ、親水基 、疎水基をそれぞれ一粒子と粗視化し線形バネでつなげるといった簡単なモデルであらわす。また溶媒として水分子も粒子とした。これらの系の古典運動方程式を数値積分していく。このモデルを使い、温度と濃度を変え計算を行う。その結果と実験から得られた相図との比較を報告する。
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2003年10月9日(木)15:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: Prof. Julian Eastoe (University of Bristol, UK)
  • 題目: Applications of New Surfactants
  • 要旨: Surfactants may be easily mistaken for humdrum, commodity chemicals. The seminar will describe various novel functionalised surfactants that have been designed with specific new applications in mind. Particular attention will be paid to surfactants that are active in supercritical carbon dioxide, since these systems show much promise in green chemistry applications. Two other areas will also be covered : a. templating of inorganic nano-particles using novel microemulsions made from polymerisable surfactants b. photo-control of micellar aggregation using a unique stilbene-containing Gemini surfactant.
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2003年9月8日(月)11:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: Prof. Samuel A. Safran (Weizmann Institute of Science)
  • 題目: Cells as and on elastic media
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2003年8月13日(水)14:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: 小田玲子氏 (CNRS-Institut Europeen de Chimie et Biologie, France)
  • 題目: Supramolecular aggregates of cationic gemini surfactants; structural study and functionalization of the aggregates
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2003年5月29日(木)15:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 国際交流会館中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. Otto Glatter (University of Graz, Austria)
  • 題目: Scattering Methods Applied to Surfactant Systems
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2003年5月27日(火)15:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 307
  • 講師: Prof. K. Holmberg (Chalmers Univerity of Technology, Sweden)
  • 題目: Kinetics of nanoparticles formation in microemulsions
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2003年3月20日(金)16:30
  • 場所: 東京大学 生産技術研究所 第一部共通室(Bw-605)
  • 講師: Dr. Yoav Tsori (ESPCI, Paris)
  • 題目: Structural changes in block copolymers: coupling of electric field and mobile ions
  • 要旨: We consider orientation mechanisms for block copolymers in electric field. Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that non-uniformity of the dielectric constant gives rise to a preferred orientation of the melt with respect to the applied field. We show that the presence of ions, as found in anionically prepared copolymers, may markedly increase the alignment effect or lead to strong morphological changes. Time-varying (AC) and static (DC) fields are considered within a unified framework. In AC fields, we find that orientation of block copolymers can in principle be achieved without a dielectric contrast if there is a mobility contrast. Unlike the no-ions case, it is found that orienting forces depend on the polymer chain lengths. In DC fields we predict a phase-transition from a bcc lattice of spheres to a hexagonal array of cylinders of arbitrarily small radius. The transition field of ~10 Volt/micron can be tuned by controlling the amount of free ions present. The mobile-ions mechanism suggested here can be used to reduce the magnitude of orienting fields as well as discriminate between block copolymers of different lengths.
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 注意: セミナーの日時および場所が変更になりました。また、このセミナーは同日に予定されているTuinier氏のセミナーと連続して行われます。
  • 日時: 2002年10月4日(金)14:00
  • 場所: 東京大学 生産技術研究所 駒場リサーチキャンパス 第一部共通室(Bw-605)
  • 講師: Prof. David Andelman (Tel Aviv Univ.)
  • 題目: Templates, surface patterns and electric field effects in copolymer films
  • 要旨: Block copolymers are polymeric systems exhibiting modulated spatial structure on the nanometer to micrometer scale. They have many applications due to their mesoscopic self-assembled structures, which exhibit combination of several, sometimes complementary, desired physical and chemical properties. We consider theoretically several ordering mechanisms in thin films of diblock copolymers. For temperatures above the order-disorder temperature, a linear response theory gives the polymer density in the vicinity of chemically patterned and flat surfaces. The surface pattern or template is decomposed into its Fourier modes, and the decay of these modes is analyzed. Below the order-disorder temperature, the transition of parallel to perpendicular orientation is investigated for homogeneous surface fields, as well as the stability of tilt lamellar phases for periodic surface fields. In addition, we investigate the orientation of lamellar phases in presence of an externally applied perpendicular electric field. We show that perpendicular ordering is favored above some critical value of the field. The obtained phase diagram depends on electric field strength, film thickness and surface interactions. Finally, we report new results related to the BCC to HEX transition in thin films. We discuss the importance of both the dielectric effect as well as free (mobile) ions on the transition.
  • 問い合わせ先: 生産研 荒木武昭 (takeaki[at]
  • 日時: 2002年9月30日(月)15:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 303
  • 講師: Prof. David Andelman (Tel Aviv Univ.)
  • 題目: Interactions of polymers and DNA with amphiphiles
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時と部屋が変更されたので、ご注意下さい。
  • 日時: 2002年4月9日(火)15:30
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: 菊池伯夫氏(オックスフォード大学)
  • 題目: Modelling polymer hydrodynamics
  • 要旨: We investigate numerically the dynamical behaviour of a polymer chain and a protein collapsing in a dilute solution. The collapse is measured with and without the presence of hydrodynamic interactions thus allowing a direct investigation of their effect. We find hydrodynamics both accelerates collapse transition and alters the folding pathway. We also present an useful approach to model polymer hydrodynamics.
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2002年1月23日(水)15:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 300
  • 講師: 川端庸平氏(広島大学総合科学部)
  • 題目: 中性子スピンエコー法を用いた両親媒子系複雑液体における構造相転移とダイナミクスの温度・圧力効果の研究
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2002年1月11日(金)14:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理工教室棟 301
  • 講師: 遠藤仁氏(MPI-Golm & IFF, FZ-Juelich)
  • 題目: 両親媒性高分子による低分子界面活性剤のブースティング効果:中性子小角散乱とコントラストバリエーション法を駆使した複雑液体の構造解析
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 大学院集中講義 「化学特別講義」(講義番号: 修士Q529 博士Q617)
  • 日時: 2001年12月13日(木):2,3,4,4’時限、12月14日(金):2,3,4,4’時限
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 307(12/13)、304(12/14午前)、303(12/14午後)
  • 講師: 田中肇氏(東京大学 生産技術研究所 教授)
  • 題目: 複雑流体の物性
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]、好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 履修を希望する学生は,12月5日(水)までに,理学研究科事務室にて所定の手続きを行ってください。
  • 日時: 2001年12月14日(金)15:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 303
  • 講師: 田中肇氏(東京大学 生産技術研究所 教授)
  • 題目: 水と水型液体の異常な振る舞いについて
  • 要旨: 水は、生命活動、地球環境などで極めて重要な役割を演じる重要な液体であるが、その基本的性質は分子間の水素結合という自由度に起因した複雑さのためにあまり理解されていない。よく知られているように氷になると体積が増大したり、4℃で密度が最大になるといった様々な異常な挙動を示す。この起源については、古くから様々な可能性が指摘されているが、水素結合の重要性にはコンセンサスがあるものの、いまだに定説がないのが現状である。ここでは、われわれが最近提唱している2秩序変数モデルによる簡単な説明を紹介する。また、Si, Ge, Ga, Sbなど水と極めて似た振る舞いをする単原子液体についてもふれる予定である。
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]、好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2001年11月9日(金)14:30
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 国際交流会館中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. Paul L. Dubin (Indiana-Purdue University, USA)
  • 題目: Coacervation of Polyelectrolyte-Micelle and Polyelectrolyte-Protein Complexes
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2001年8月8日(水)(注意:日付が変更されました)15:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: Frank Juelicher (Institut Curie)
  • 題目: Active sound detection in hearing
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2001年7月27日(金)15:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 303
  • 講師: 樹神弘也 氏 (三菱化学)
  • 題目: 平均場法を用いた高分子ミセル溶液の研究
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2001年4月11日(水)15:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 国際交流会館中会議室
  • 講師: Prof. M. Arturo Lopez-Quintela (University of Saintiago de Compostela, Spain)
  • 題目: Dynamic Light Scattering: An Useful Technique to Study Complex Gelling Systems
  • 要旨: Physical or reversible gels are very important for both scientific and technological reasons. However, the structure and dynamics of such systems remains in many cases to be solved. In this presentation we will try to show that dynamic light scattering (DLS) is a powerful technique to study the structure and dynamics of these "concentrated" systems. As application examples, we will show the gelation of gelatine, the microphase separation of gelling biopolymer mixtures and percolation behavior of some microemulsion systems.
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 加藤 直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2001年2月10日(土)16:00
  • 場所: お茶の水女子大学 理学部1号館241室
  • 講師: Prof. David Andelman (Tel Aviv Univ., Israel)
  • 題目: Bulk and Interfacial Behavior in Modulated Phases: From Magnetic Films to Copolymers
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]、お茶大 今井正幸 (imai[at]
  • 注意:セミナーの場所はお茶大であることに注意して下さい。
  • 日時: 2001年2月9日(金)14:00
  • 場所: 東京大学 生産技術研究所 駒場Uキャンパス セミナールームT(Ce-603)
  • 講師: 内田就也氏 (京都大学 理学部)
  • 題目: ネマティック液晶高分子ネットワーク:ランダム性とソフト弾性
  • 要旨: ネマティック液晶エラストマー・ゲルは $\mu m$ スケールのテクスチャーを安定に持つと共に、極めて非線形性の強い力学応答(ソフト弾性)を示す。これらの起源について以下の説を提案する。架橋時に導入されたネットワークの不均一性は有効的ランダム場として液晶秩序場に作用し、長距離方向秩序を破壊する。等方・ネマティック相転移に伴う異方的変形は、長距離弾性相互作用によってドメインが縦横に組み合わさった組織の中に折りたたまれる。外力によりドメインは回転して組織構造を解消し、ゴム弾性エネルギーの変化を「ほとんど」伴わずに一様配向状態が実現する。
  • 問い合わせ先: 東大生研 荒木武昭(takeaki[at]
  • 日時: 2000年11月17日(金)14:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 国際交流会舘 中会議室
  • 講師: Dr. P. D. Olmsted (University of Leeds, UK)
  • 題目: Phenemonology of flow-induced phase transitions and instabilities in complex fluids: from liquid crystals to onions to worms
  • 要旨: Complex and multiphase fluids such as liquid crystals, surfactant solutions, collo\ idal suspensions, and polymer solutions exhibit dramatic behavior in the presence of fl\ ow. Materials can become thicker or thinner, or even undergo macroscopic structural ch\ anges reminiscent of equilibrium phase transitions. The essence of these phenomena is st\ ructural rearrangement in flow, and the subsequent feedback on macroscopic stress and strai\ n rate. I will present the current state of experiments, discuss some of some insights tha\ t can be gained by applying ideas from equilibrium thermodynamics to such problems, indi\ cate where these ideas break down, and use models for liquid crystals and polymer solut\ ions as examples.
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 好村滋行 (komura[at]
  • 日時: 2000年11月16日(木)16:00
  • 場所: 東京大学 生産技術研究所 駒場Uキャンパス セミナールーム (Ce-603)
  • 講師: Dr. P. D. Olmsted (University of Leeds, UK)
  • 題目: Phenomenology of Flow-Induced Phase Transitions in Complex Fluids
  • 要旨: Complex and multiphase fluids such as liquid crystals, surfactant solutions, collo\ idal suspensions, and polymer solutions exhibit dramatic behavior in the presence of fl\ ow. Materials can become thicker or thinner, or even undergo macroscopic structural ch\ anges reminiscent of equilibrium phase transitions. The essence of these phenomena is st\ ructural rearrangement in flow, and the subsequent feedback on macroscopic stress and strai\ n rate. I will present the current state of experiments, discuss some of some insights tha\ t can be gained by applying ideas from equilibrium thermodynamics to such problems, indi\ cate where these ideas break down, and use models for liquid crystals and polymer solut\ ions as examples.
  • 問い合わせ先: 東大生研 田中肇(
  • 日時: 2000年11月13日(月)14:00
  • 場所: 東京大学 生産技術研究所 駒場Uキャンパス セミナールーム (Ce-603)
  • 講師: Prof. G. Porte (University of Montpellier II, France)
  • 題目: Dynamic properties of droplets linked by a telechelic polymer: percolation versus critical phase separation
  • 要旨: We investigate a model transient network consisting of microemulsion droplets reve\ rsibly linked by a telechelic polymer. The phase behaviour shows up a dense versus dilute\ phase coexistence induced by the effective bridging interaction. On the other hand, line\ ar rheology reveals the existence of a percolation line beyond which the network exhi\ bits transient elasticity. Two modes are seen in quasi elastic light scattering beyond \ the percolation line. The slow one in non-diffusive and reveals the dynamics of the reorganization of the links. We discuss its evolution when approaching the percola\ tion line and the critical point.
  • 問い合わせ先: 東大生研 田中肇(
  • 日時: 2000年11月9日(木)15:00
  • 場所: 東京都立大学 理学部棟 大学院講義室 302
  • 講師: Prof. G. Porte (University of Montpellier II, France)
  • 題目: Dynamic properties of a mixed surfactant polymer transient network: dynamic light scattering and rheology
  • 問い合わせ先: 都立大 加藤直 (kato-tadashi[at]
  • 日時: 2000年11月7日(金)15:00
  • 場所: お茶の水女子大学
  • 講師: Dr. M. Laradji (University of Prince Edward Island)
  • 題目: Elasticity of Polymer-Grafted Membranes
  • 要旨:The interplay between polymers and surfaces occurs in many industrial and biological situations, and has consequently been the subject of many theoretical and experiemntal studies. In particular, vesicles composed of lipid membranes with anchored water--soluble polymers, such as poly(ethylene glycol) can be used as effective intervenous liposome drug carrier. This is due to the fact that the grafted polymers induce steric repulsive interactions with the antibodies, thereby preventing the vesicle from antibody attack and effectively increase the circulation time of the drug in the blood stream. Recent experimental studies have shown that the grafted polymers can have dramatic effects on the elastic properties of the membrane, and may effectively increase ths bending moduli. In this talk, I will present recent results from Monte Carlo simulations of a continuum model. I will show that the polymers indeed lead to an excess bending modulus which scales as $N^3\sigma^{4.5}$, where $N$ is the polymerization index and $\sigma$ is the grafting density. When only one side of the membrane contains anchored polymers, we found that the polymers induce a spontaneous curvature which increases as $N$ or $\sigma$ is increased, and lead as well to an increase of the bending modulus. However, in the limiting case of very large spontaneous curvatures, the excess bending modulus becomes independent from the polymers details. Our results are largely in agreement with self-consistent field calculations and scaling arguments.
  • 問い合わせ先: お茶大 今井正幸 (imai[at]
  • 日時: 2000年10月24日(火)14:00
  • 場所: 東京大学 生産技術研究所 駒場Uキャンパス セミナールームT(Ce-603)
  • 講師: Dr. Robert Holyst (Polish Academy of Science, Poland)
  • 題目: Periodic Surfaces: from soap films to modern polymer technology
  • 要旨:The discovery that organic, ordered surfaces formed in water solutions by surfactants can be used as templates for organic or inorganic polymerization reactions where the final product is an ordered mesoporous material with well defined pore sizes (ranging from 2 to 20 nm) and shapes brought the subject of ordering in surfactant systems into the realm of modern polymer technology. The purpose of this talk is to show from historical perspective various theoretical and experimental studies in surfactant systems which made such technological progress possible. We will discuss in particular the discovery of periodic surfaces in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology and their potential applications in polymer technology.
  • 問い合わせ先: 東大生研 田中肇(