第6回研究会(2007年7月7日(土) 14時 〜)講演概要

会場: 上智大学 四谷キャンパス 11号館4階 11−405

講演者: Antoine Deza 氏 (McMaster University)
タイトル: Polytopes and Arrangements: Diameter and Curvature
概要:Linear optimization consists of maximizing, or minimizing, a linear function over a domain defined by a set of linear inequalities. The simplex and primal-dual interior point methods are currently the most computationally successful algorithms. In this talk we highlight intriguing links between the edge-path followed by the simplex and the central path followed by interior point methods. By analogy with the conjecture of Hirsch, we conjecture that the order of the largest total curvature of the central path associated to a polytope is the number of inequalities defining the polytope. By analogy with a result of Dedieu, Malajovich and Shub, we conjecture that the average diameter of a bounded cell of an arrangement is less than the dimension. We prove continuous analogues of two results of Holt-Klee and Klee-Walkup: we construct a family of polytopes which attain the conjectured order of the largest total curvature, and we prove that the special case where the number of inequalities is twice the dimension is equivalent to the general case. We substantiate these conjectures in low dimensions and highlight additional links.
This talk is based on a joint work with Tamas Terlaky and Yuriy Zinchenko

講演者: 田辺 隆人 氏 (数理システム)
タイトル: 実務における数理計画アルゴリズムとその実装
概要: 数理計画を実務に応用するにあたっては,問題の設定からモデリングや アルゴリズムの選定,実装手段やインタフェースの選択など,解決すべき様々 な課題が存在する.高速なメタヒューリスティクスアルゴリズムの台頭や昨今 のマシン環境を活かした実装技術は,それら諸課題の解決方法に,大きな変化 をもたらしつつある.講演では最新のアルゴリズムや実装技術が実務に与えた インパクトについて,製造業/金融/広告などの現場の例に即しつつ述べる.


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