NLS utility page

1. NMR measurement

1-1. Pulse sequences

These pulse programs were tested in the following environment.
Spectrometer: Bruker AVANCE(I)-600
Software: TOPSPIN 1.3 or 2.1

CT: constant time
C/N: 13C/15N-labelled
D/C/N: 2H/13C/15N-labelled

1-1-1. Backbone experiments

conventionalTOPSPIN 1.3TOPSPIN 2.1
3D HNCA (15N-CT) for C/N proteinsi_hncari_hncar_nls2i_hncar_nls4
3D HN(CO)CA (15N-CT) for C/N proteinsi_hncocari_hncocar_nls2i_hncocar_nls4
3D CBCANH (13C/15N-CT) for C/N proteinsi_cbcanhi_cbcanh_nls2i_cbcanh_nls4
3D CBCA(CO)NH (13C/15N-CT) for C/N proteinsi_cbcaconhi_cbcaconh_nls2i_cbcaconh_nls4
3D HN(CA)CO (15N-CT) for C/N proteinsi_hncacori_hncacor_nls2i_hncacor_nls4
3D HNCO (15N-CT) for C/N proteinsi_hncori_hncor_nls2i_hncor_nls4

1-1-2. Side-chain experiments

1-1-3. NOE experiments

1-2. Variable counter (VC) lists for controling sampling points.

1-2-1. A computer program (a shell script + a C-language program) for generating VC lists and sampling lists for AZARA processing.


1-2-2. A typical VC list for nonlinear sampling.

2. AZARA processing

2-1. Scripts

These scripts were tested in the following environment.
Data: Bruker AVANCE-I.
Software: AZARA v2.7 (littleendian) / LINUX PC.

2-1-1. A typical "par" file for input data to process.


2-1-2. A typical script for processing of dim 1.


2-1-3. A typical script for 2D MaxEnt processing of nonlinearly acquired data.


2-2. Sampling lists

2-1-1. A typical sampling list for MaxEnt processing of nolinearly acquired data.


Last updated: 5 January 2010